
en Default locale
en Fallback locale


Defined 44

These messages are correctly translated into the given locale.

Locale Domain Times used Message ID Message Preview
en messages 1 french Français
en messages 1 nav-signup Sign Up
en messages 2 gmaw Guarding Minds at Work
en messages 1 caring-for Caring for Healthcare Workers
en messages 2 nav-about About
en messages 2 about-caring About Caring for Healthcare Workers
en messages 2 how-to-use How to use Caring for Healthcare Workers
en messages 2 nav-resources Resources
en messages 2 nav-faqs FAQs
en messages 1 dashboard-login Dashboard Login
en messages 1 title-faq Frequently Asked Questions
en messages 1 common-questions Here are some common questions asked about the tools in Caring for Healthcare Workers.
en messages 1 research-study Is this a research study?
en messages 1 quality-improvement-assurance This project is a quality improvement or quality assurance project that will be used to benefit healthcare organizations and their workforce. Such activities are not defined as research and therefore do not require the same level of review and approval as research studies.
en messages 1 what-kind-information What kind of information will be collected?
en messages 1 ask-staff-their-perceptions The survey items ask staff about their perceptions of various factors that impact the psychological safety of the workplace. The questions are based on the recognition that staff are well-versed in what it is like to do their job in their work environment. The questions are not about their physical and mental health or possible illness, and no personal information is gathered.
en messages 1 privacy-confidentiality-ensured How are privacy and confidentiality ensured?
en messages 1 employee-answers-anonymous Employee answers are anonymous and no one can see or access individual responses. Only aggregate results will be reported to the organization. If fewer than ten people in a particular group respond, this group will not be analyzed or reported.
en messages 1 secure-data-faq How secure is the data?
en messages 1 response-data-stored-fippa All survey response data will be stored during this project on an independent, highly secure and FIPPA compliant Canadian server. Data is stored in a de-identified format so that no one will have access to identifiable information.
en messages 1 completion-survey-voluntary Is completion of the survey voluntary?
en messages 1 high-level-completion Yes, but a high level of completion by all staff will provide more accurate information about the organizational psychological health and safety.
en messages 1 completion-survey-help-healthcare How will completion of this survey help healthcare organizations and colleagues?
en messages 1 information-helpful-two-ways This information will be helpful in two ways. The results for an organization will let leadership know about areas of strength or concern that influence the psychological health and safety of their workplace. The information from all the organizations that are participating in the project will be used to create a database and improve the survey so that it is helpful for all staff in Canadian healthcare organizations.
en messages 1 survey-completed-any-device Can the online survey be completed on any device?
en messages 1 link-to-survey-faq Yes, employees will receive a link to the survey that can be accessed on a computer, tablet or smart phone. Please note that they will be asked to complete all the questions. They will not be able to stop and save their responses and return later, so they need to allow sufficient time to give this their full attention.
en messages 1 test-survey-faq I’d like to see how the survey tool works. Can I send a test survey first before sending to my workers?
en messages 1 test-survey-a-faq Yes! A great way to become familiar with the assessment tool is to create and send a test survey. During the survey set up, you can select whether the survey will be used for testing only. A test survey has the same functionality as a live survey. You can send out a survey link, collect responses, and generate reports. We recommended that you include the word TEST in your survey name in order to distinguish it from any live surveys and reports.
en messages 1 browser-recommend-faq What web browser do you recommend for using this website?
en messages 1 ans-browser-recommend-faq For the best possible experience and to assure access to all tools and resources, we recommend that you use the latest version of Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, or Safari.
en messages 1 question-not-on-list Have a question that doesn't appear in this list? You can get in touch with us through our <a href="/contact-us">Contact Us</a> page.
en messages 1 psychological-survey Psychosocial Survey for Healthcare
en messages 1 health-care-can-link
en messages 1 health-care-can HealthCareCAN
en messages 1 mental-health-commission-link
en messages 1 mental-health-commission The Mental Health Commission of Canada
en messages 1 phs-link
en messages 1 vanc-psych-safety Vancouver Psych Health + Safety
en messages 1 ccohs-web
en messages 1 ccohs-title The Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety
en messages 1 2018-mental-health-comm © 2018 Mental Health Commission of Canada
en messages 1 terms-conditions Terms and Conditions
en messages 1 contact-us Contact Us
en messages 1 nav-dashin Dashboard

Fallback 0

These messages are not available for the given locale but Symfony found them in the fallback locale catalog.

No fallback translation messages were used.

Missing 0

These messages are not available for the given locale and cannot be found in the fallback locales. Add them to the translation catalogue to avoid Symfony outputting untranslated contents.

There are no messages of this category.